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Public Health in Denmark


1. Problem identification:

- Heavy drinking among young population

- Health promotion only focuses on 'individual' level

- A question on effectiveness of alcohol intervention programs targeting young population

2. Theoretical thinking

- Alcohol consumption in young population are not likely to decline by current public health intervention programs because they neglect 'structural' factors, i.e. a good legal framework on producing, selling alcohol for young people.

3. Materials.

- Articles describing alcohol consumption in Danish young population

- Reports on the same issues

- Reports on current public health intervention programs on young drinking in Denmark

4. Analyzing and findings

- Alcohol consumption trend in a time series

- A comparison between men/women

- A comparison of before/after interventions

5. Discussion

- Do the findings support theoretical thinking?

- What factors may contribute to affirmation/rejection of theoretical position?

6. Conclusion

- Wrapping up:

- What next?