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Các từ viết tắt và nghĩa của chúng


AA - Administrative Assistant
ABA - Applied Behaviour Analysts
ABE - Alternative Based Education
ABEC - Alternative Basic Education Centre
AC - Administrative Council
ACAPES - Cultural Association for Education and Social Self-Promotion
ACF - Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger)
ACCRA - African Climate Change Resilience Alliance Conference
ACP - Africa, Caribbean and Pacific
ACRWC - African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
AD - Adolescent Development
AD - Area Director
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADC - Area Development Committee
ADRA - Adventist Development and Relief Association
AER - Annual Estimate of Requirements
AfDB - African Development Bank
AFT - Advanced Field Training
AFU - Annual Family Update
AGE - Anti-Government Elements
AGRITEX - Agriculture, Technical and Extension services
AIDS - Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
AL - Adult Literacy
ALNAP - Active Learning Network of Accountability and Performance
ALP - Alternative Learning Programme
AMP - Annual Manement Plan
AMS - Award Management System (formerly GMS - Grant Management System)
AMT - Advocacy Measurement Tool
ANC - Ante Natal Care
ANEP - Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Project
ANM - Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
AO - Area Office
AOT - Activity Output Tracker
APLM - Anti Personnel Land Mine
APS - Annual Program Statement
AR - Annual Report
ARI - Acite Respiratory Infection
ARM - Area Manager Report
ARM - Armenian dram (currency)
ARSH - Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health
ASAL - Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations
ASISt - Automated Sponsorship Information System (SC US sponsorship database)
ASR - Annual Status Report
AU - African Union
AusAID - Australian Agency for International Development
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BBB - Blackbaud (fundraising software)
BC - Behaviour Centred
BCC - Behaviour Change Communication (also called IEC)
BCG - Bacillus Calmette Guerin (TB vaccine)
BCG - Boston Consulting Group
BDS - Business Development Services
BE - Basic Education
BEmONC - Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care
BF - Breast Feeding
BHC - Basic Health Centre
BHS - Basic Health Services
BIDP - Best Interest Determination Panel
BLEND - Better Living, Education, Nutrition, and Development (project)
BMI - Body Mass Index
BMIC - Big and Middle Income Countries
BNSP - Basic Nutrition Services Package
BOND - British Overseas NGO for Development
BPHS - Basic Package of Health Services
BPRM - Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
BSFP - Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme
BSO - Building Safer Organisations
BTL - Better Teaching and Learning

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CC&F - Cost and Freight
C&W - Children and War
CAB - China Association of the Blind
CABA - Children Affected By AIDS
CAC - Community AIDS Committee
CAFF - Children Affected by Fighting Forces
CAP - Consolidated Appeal Process
CAP - Country Annual Plan (also Country Annual Planning)
CAR - Cordillera Administrative Region (Philippines)
CAR - Country Annual Report
CASP - Common Approach to Sponsorship-funded Programming
CATCH - Coordinated Approach To Child Health
CBA - Cost-Benefit Analysis
CBAC - Capacity Building & Assessment Centre
CBC - Community Based Classes
CBCCC - Community Based Child Care Centres
CBCPC - Community Based Child Protection Committee/Council
CBD - Community Based Distribution (refers to contraceptives)
CBDRM - Community Based Disaster Risk Management
CBE - Community Based Education
CBHA - Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies
CBHC - Community Based Health Care
CBI - Community Based Interventions
CBO - Community Based Organisation
CBP - Capacity Building and Preparedness
CBR - Community Based Rehabilitation (usually in CWD context)
CBR - Crude Birth Rate
CBS - Community Based School
CC - Children's Clubs
CC - Climate Change
CCA - Climate Change Adaptation
CCG - Country Consultation Group
CCLEE - Combating Child Labout and Exploitation through Education
CCM - Community Case Management
CCMW - Community Case Management Worker
CCT - Conditional Cash Transfer
CCWC - Commune Committee for Women and Children
CCYMCR - Cambodia Children and Young People Movement for Child Rights
C-DOTS - Community Directly Observed for Treatment Short course
CD - Community Development
CD - Country Director
CDC - Community Development Council/Committee
CDC - Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
CDD - Community Driven Development
CDD - Control of Diarheaol Diseases
CDPF - China Disabled Persons' Federation
CDQ - Community Defined Quality
CDR - Crude Death Rate
CDRC - Citizen's Disaster Response Centre
CE - Community Engagement
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CEE - Central and Eastern Europe
CEF - Save the Children Emergency Fund
CERF - UN Children's Emergency Response Fund
CESR - Centre for Environmental and Social Economic Regeneration (India)
CF - Children's Fund
CF - Community Facilitator
CFC - Civil-Military Fusion Centre
CFS - Child Friendly School
CFS - Child Friendly Spaces
CFW - Cash for Work
CG - Collaborative/Consultative Group
CGRS - Contract Grant Review System (used by Save the Children US)
CH - Case History
CHA - Community Health Agent
CHAON - Children's Action Against Oppression and Neglect
CHC - Community Health Centre
CHH - Child Headed Households
CHF - Common Humanitarian Funding
ChSW - Children of Sex Workers (Bangladesh)
CHV - Community Health Volunteer
CHW - Community Health Worker
CIC - Children In Crisis
CICL - Child In Conflict with the Law
CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIMCI - Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
CIP - Community Investment Plan
CLAN - Community Leaders' Action Network
CLSS - Community Life Saving Skills
CM - Community Mobilisation/Mobiliser
CMAM - Community Management of Acute Malnutrition
CMR - Child Mortality Rate / Crude Mortality Rate
CMST - Community Management Skills Training
CMT - Crisis Management Team
CNCC - Cambodia National Council for Children
CO - Country Office
CO - Community Organisation
COC - Code Of Conduct
CoD - Cost of Diet
COLA - Cost Of Living Allowance
CONAFE - National Coalition of Associations and NGOs in Favour of Children
COO - Chief Operating Officer
CoP - Chief of Party
COSUDE - Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperacin (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, DEZA)
CP - Child Protection
CP - Children's Parliament
CPA - Certified Public Accountant
CPAN - Child Protection Action Network
CPC - Child Protection Committee
CPH - Core Process Harmonisation
CPI - Child Protection Initiative
CPIE - Child Protection In Emergencies
CPM - Child Protection Movement
CPN - Child Protection Network
CPP - Child Protection Policy
CPR - Contraception Prevalence Rate
CPTS - Child Protection Trainee Schemes
CPU - Child Protection Unit
CR - Child Rights
CRAN - Child Rights Advocacy Network
CRB - Child Rights Based
CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child
CRENAM Centre de Rhabilitation Nutritionnelle Ambulatoire Modre / Out-patient Nutrition Recuperation Centre for Moderate Malnutrition
CRENAS Centre de Rhabilitation Nutritionnelle Ambulatoire Svre / Out-patient Nutrition Recuperation Centre for Severe Malnutrition
CRENI - Centres de Rhabilitation Nutritionnelle intensive/ Intensive Nutrition Recuperation Centre for Severe Malnutrition / Centro de Recuperacin Nutricional Intensivo
CRG - Child Rights Governance
CRM - Child Rights Movement
CRM - Cost Related Market
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
CRP - Child Rights Programming
CRSA - Child Rights Situation Analysis
CS - Country Strategy
CSA - Chronically Sick Adult
CSAE - Child Sexually Abused and Exploited
CSB - Corn Soya Blend
CSE - Comprehensive Sexuality Education
CSI - Coping Strategies Index
CSO - Child Safe Organisation
CSO - Civil Society Organisation
CSODR - Civil Society Organisation for Disaster Reduction
CSP - Child Safeguarding Policy
CSP - Community Schools Project
CSP - Country Strategic Plan
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
CSS - Comprehensive School Safety (usually in DRR context)
CSSP - Child Sensitive Social Protection
CT - Cash Transfer
CTC - Child-To-Child
CTC - Community-based Therapeutic Care
CTC - Cross Thematic Cost
CV - Community Volunteer
CW - Children and Work
CWAC - Children Without Adequate/Appropriate Care
CWC - Councils for the Welfare of Children
CWCC - Cambodia Women's Crisis Centre
CWD - Children With Disabilities
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DD&D - Decentralisation and Deconcentration (Cambodia specific)
D2D - Door to Door (donor acquisition/fundraising activity)
DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency
DAPP - Development Aid People to People
DC - District Commissioner
DCD - Deputy Country Director
DCM - Drought Cycle Management
DCOF - Displaced Children and Orphans Fund
DD - Deputy Director
DD - Diahreaol Disease
DD - Due Diligence
DDC - Direction du dveloppement et de la coopration, DEZA
DDR - Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
DDRC - District Disaster Relief Committees
DEC - Disaster Emergency Committee
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DEO - District Education Office/Officer
DepEd - Department of Education
DevEd - Development Education
DEZA - Direktion fr Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Swiss Agncy for Development and Cooperation)
DFA - Delegated Financial Authority
DFID - Department for International Development (UK)
DHMT - District Health Management Team
DHO - District Health Office
DHS - Demographic and Health Study/Survey
DHS - District Health Services
DILG - Department of Interior and Local Government
DIPECHO - European Commission Humanitarian Aid department's Disaster Preparedness programme
DM - Direct Mail
DM&E - Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
DMI - Drought Management Office
DMO - District Medical Officer (health)
DMO - District Monitoring Officer
DMS - Document Management System
DNA - Damage and Needs Assessment
DND - Department of National Defence
DO - District Officer
DOC - Disaster Operating Centre
DOE - District Officer of Education
DOO - Director of Operations
DOST - Department of Science and Technology
DOTS - Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course
DP - Disaster Preparedness
DPF - Disabled Persons' Federation
DPO - Disabled Persons' Organisation
DPR - Disaster Preparedness Response
DPRK - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
DPT - Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (vaccine)
DRC - Democratic Republic of Congo
DRM - Direct Response Marketing
DRM - Disaster Risk Management
DRR & CCA - Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
DRRM - Disaster Risk Reduction Management
DRTL - Deputy Response Team Leader
DRTV - Direct Response Television (fundraising TV ads)
DSC - District Steering Committee
DSG - District Steering Group
DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development

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EEA - Emergency Advisor
EAC - East African Council
EARO - East Africa Regional Office
EBE - Extended Basic Education
EBF - Exclusive Breast Feeding
ECB - Emergency Capacity Building
ECCD - Early Childhood Care and Development (6m to 5y)
ECD - Early Childhood Development
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECED - Early Childhood Education and Development
ECFF - European Commission Food Facility Programme
ECG - Emergency Coordination Group
ECHO - European Commission Humanitarian Office
ECL - Exploitative Child Labour
ECOSOC - UN Economic and Social Council
ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
ECPAT - End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking (Cambodia)
ECR - Equitable Cost Recovery
ECWG - Education Cluster Working Group
Ed - Education
EdGI - Education Global Initiative
EDO - Executive District Officer
EE - Economic Empowerment
EEP - Efficiency, Effectiveness and Productivity
EFA - Education For All
EFC - Emergency Foundation Course
EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
EGI - Education Global Initiative
EHA - Evaluation of Humanitarian Actions
EHPP -Emergency Hygiene Promotion Package
EHVP - European Humanitarian Volunteer Programme
EIDHR - European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights
EiE - Education in Emergencies
ELDP - Executive Leadership Development Programme
ELHRA - Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance
ELM - Education Learning Materials
ELMT - Enhanced Livelihoods in Mandera Triangle
ELSE - Enhanced Livelihoods in Southern Ethiopia
EMG - Emergency Management Group
EMIS - Education Management Information System
EML - Essential Medicine List
EmONC - Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care
EmOp - Emergency Operation
ENC - Essential Newborn Care
ENP - European Neighbourhood Policy
EO - Economic Opportunities
EOD - Explosive Ordinance Disposal
EOG - Emergency Oversight Group
EOI - Expression Of Interest
EOP - Emergency Operation Programme
EP - Evacuation Plan
EPP - Early Post Partum
EPP - Emergency Preparedness Plan
EPR - Emergency Preparedness and Response
EQUIP - Educational Quality Improvement Program
ERF - Emergency Response Fund
ERP - Emergency Response Personnel
ERS - Early Recovery Sector
ERT - Emergency Response Team
ERW - Explosive Remnants of War
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESOPs - Emergency Standard Operating Procedures
ESSS - Early Steps to School Success
ET - Evaluation Team
ETL - Emergency Team Leader
EU - European Union
EUPS - European Union Programme Support
EVHAC - European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
EVHP - European Voluntary Humanitarian Programme
EWS - Early Warning System
EYE - Education and Youth Empowerment

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FF&T - Foundations and Trusts
F2F - Face to Face (donor acquisition/fundraising activity)
FA - First Aid
FAK - First Aid Kit
FAM - Food Aid Management
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN)
FBF - Fortified Blend Foods
FBO - Faith-Based Organisation
FCHV - Female Community Health Volunteer
FCO - Female Community Organisation
FEWS-NET - Famine Early Warning System Network
FFW - Food For Work
FG - Foster Grandparent
FGD - Focus Group Discussion
FGM - Female Genital Mutilation (note also called FGC Female Genital Cutting)
FM - Field Manager
FMS - Financial Management System (aka Agresso in SCI centre))
FMT - Field Manager Training
FP - Family Planning
FR - Fluent Reader
FRESH - Focusing Resources on Effective School Health
FRWG - Fundraising Working Group
FS - Food Security
FS - Fragile States
FS - Fund Summary
FSL - Food Security and Livelihoods
FSNAU - Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit
FSR - Financial Status Report
FSW - Female Sex Worker
FTE - Full Time Employee
FTI - Fast Track Initiative
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FTR - Family Tracking and Reunification
FTS - Financial Tracking Service
FY - Fiscal Year (also Full Year)

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GGAD - Gender Assisted Development
GAM - Global Acute Malnutrition
GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Iniatives
GBV - Gender Based Violence
GCRI - Global Climate Risk Index
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GER - Gross Enrolment Ratio
GFD - General Food Distribution
GFATM - Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
GI - Global Initiative
GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System
GiK - Gifts in Kind
GIM - Global Impact Monitoring
GIRP - Guided Independent Reading Practice
GIS - Global Information Systems
GM - Growth Monitoring
GMI - Group Maturity Index
GMS - Grant Management System (now called AMS)
GNP - Gross National Product
GoB - Government of Bangladesh
GOI - Global Outcome Indicator
GoK - Government of Kenya
GONGO - Governmental Operated Non-Governmental Organisation (China)
GoP - Government of the Philippines
GPD - Global Program Director
GPE - Global Partnership for Education
GPMU - Goal and Performance Management Unit
GRN - Goods Received Note
GS - Gift Summary
GSS - Global Safety and Security
GWI - Global Water Initiative

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HHA - Humanitarian Assistance
HAC - Humanitarian Aid Commission
HAP - Humanitarian Accountability Project
HB - Home Based
HBA - Home Based Activities
HBB - Helping Babies Breathe
HBC - Home Based Care
HBCV - Home Based Care Volunteer
HC - Health Centre
HCMC - Health Centre Management Committee
HCP - Health Care Provider
HCT - Humanitarian Country Team
HDDS - Household Dietary Diversity Score
HDI - Human Development Index
HE - Health Education
HEA - Household Economy Analysis/Approach
HEART - Healing and Education through the Arts
HERR - Humanitarian Emergency Response Review
HFA - Height For Age
HH - Household
HINI - High Impact Nutrition Interventions
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HHH - Household Head
HLDP - Humanitarian Leadership Development Programme
HNWI - High Net Worth Individuals
HO - Head Office
HoA - Horn of Africa
HP - Health Post
HPG - Humanitarian Policy Group
HQ - Headquarters
HR - Human Resources
HRBA - Human Rights-Based Approach
HRI - Humanitarian Response Index
HSDP - Humanitarian Skills Development Programme
HSNP - Hunger Safety Net Programme
HSA - Health Surveillance Assistant
HSS - Health System Strengthening (programme)
HST - Humanitarian Support Team
HTP - Harmful Traditional Practice
HTS - Humanitarian Trainee Scheme
HTU - Humanitarian Technical Unit
HTWG - Humanitarian Technical Working Group
HVD - High Value Donor

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IIASC - Inter-Agency Standing Committee
IATI - Independent Aid Transparency Initiative
IAWG - Inter-Agency Working Group
ICCM - Integrated Community Case Management
ICDS - Integrated Child Development Services/Scheme
ICR - Indirect Cost Recovery (similar to overheads)
ICRC - International Committee of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
ICVA - International Council of Voluntary Agencies
IDLO - International Development Law Organisation
IDP - Internally Displaced People/Population
IDSR - Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response
IDTR - Identification, Documentation, Tracing and Reunification
IDU - Injecting Drug User
IEC - Information, Education and Communication
IED Improvised Explosive Device
IFE - Infant Feeding in Emergencies
IFRC - International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
IFS - Integrated Food Security
IGA - Income Generating Activities
IIC - Investment In Children
ILO - International Labour Organisation
IMAM - Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
IMC - International Medical Corps
IMCI - Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
IMNCI - Integrated Management of Newborn and Child Illness
IMF - International Monetary Fund
INEE - Inter-agency Network on Education in Emergencies
INGO - International Non-Governmental Organisation
INSO - International NGO Safety Organisation
IOM - International Organisation for Migration
IPC - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
IP - Implementing Partner
IP - International Programs
IQC - Indefinite Quantity Contract
IRC - International Rescue Committee
IRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
ISAF - International Security Assistance Force (Afghanistan)
ISAL - Internal Savings and Lending
IYCF - Infant and Young Children Feeding

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JJD - Job Description
JEOP - Joint Emergency Operational Plan
JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency
JRNA - Joint Rapid Needs Assessment

KKAPE - Kampuchea Action for Primary Education
KG - Kindergarten
KII - Key Informant Interview
KMC - Kangaroo Mother Care
KPC - Knowledge, Practices and Coverage
KPI - Key Performance Indicators
KSh - Kenyan Shillings

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LL&D - Learning and Development
LAC - Latin America and Caribbean
LB - Literacy Boost
LBW - Low Birth Weight
LDP - Leadership Development Programme
LDRRMP - Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan
LEGs - Livestock Emergency Guidelines
LG - Local Government
LGU - Local Government Unit
LHW - Lady Health Worker
LICADHO - Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights
LIG - Low Impact Gardening
LMT - Logistics Management
LoC - Letter of Commitment
LP - Livelihoods Protection
LRRD - Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
LSDP - Logistic Skills Development Programme
LWA - Leader With Associate award
LZ - Livelihood Zone

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MM&E - Monitoring and Evaluation
MAM - Moderated Acute Malnutrition
MARP - Most At Risk Populations
MCF - MasterCard Foundation
MCH - Mother/Maternal and Child Health
MCHN - Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition
MCO - Male Community Organisation
MDFT - Multi-Donor Trust Funds
MDG - Millennium Development Goal
MDP - Management Development Programme
MEAL - Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
MEE - Middle East and Eurasia
MELAG - Monitoring and Evaluation Learning Advisory Group
MES - Ministry of Emergency Situations
MIC - Middle Income Countries
MIP - Management Investment Plan
MIS - Management Information System
MLSI - Ministry of Labour and Social Issues
MMDA Manila Metropolitan Development Authority
MMR - Maternal Mortality Rate
MMT - Middle Management Training
MNCH - Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
MoA - Ministry of Agriculture
MODA - Member Organisational Development Approach
MoE - Ministry of Education
MoES - Ministry of Education and Science
MoEYS - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
MoH - Ministry of Health
MoJ - Ministry of Justice
MoNKOAL - Ministry of State for Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid Lands
MoPH - Ministry of Public Health
MOS - Management Operating Standards
MOS - Minimum Operating Standards
MoSVY - Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation
MoTA - Ministry of Territorial Administration
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
MOWCA - Ministry Of Women and Children's Affairs
MRI - Mortality Risk Index
MSF- Mdecins Sans Frontires (Doctors Without Borders)
MT - Metric Tonne
MTE - Mid Term Evaluation
MTSR - Mid-Term Strategic Report
MUAC - Middle Upper Arm Circumference (malnutrition measure)

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NNCDM - National Committee for Disaster Management
NCP - National Children's Parliament
NCR - National Capital Region
NCS - Newborn Child Survival
NDCC - National Disaster Coordinating Council
NDMA  - National Disaster Management Authority
NDRRMC - National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
NDRRMP - National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan
NEDA - National Economic Development Authority
NEP - NGO Education Partnership
NER - Net Enrolment Ratio
NERS - Nutrition Education Rehabilitation Services
NFE - Non-Formal Education
NFI - Non-Food Item
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
NGOCRC - NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child
NHC - Neighbourhood Health Committee
NHRI - National Human Rights Institution
NOVCTF - National Orphans and Vulnerable Children Task Force
NPA - National People's Army
NPAC - National Plan of Action for the Children
NPO - Non-Profit Organisation
NRM - Natural Resource Management
NSC - National Standard of Care (Indonesia)
NSS - National Statistics Service
NTC - National Transitional Council (Libya)
NTC - Non Thematic Cost

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OOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN)
OCD - Office of Civil Defence
ODA - Overseas Development Assistance
ODC - Open Day Campaign
OECD-DAC - Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development - Development Assistance Committee
OFDA - Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance
ODI - Overseas Development Institute
ODP - Outline Development Plan
OHCHR - Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response
OPAC - Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in Armed Conflict
oPt - Occupied Palestinian Territory
OPD - Out-Patient Department
ORS - Oral Rehydration Solution/Salts
OST - Opium Substitution Therapy
OTP - Outpatient Therapeutic Care
OVC - Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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PPACAPS - Pastoral Areas Coordination, Analysis ad Policy Support
PAL - Pre-Approval Letter
PAL - Pre-Award Authorisation Letter
PaP - Port-au-Prince (capital of Haiti)
PCDM - Provincial Committee for Disaster Management
PCM - Pneumonia Case Management
PD - Positive Deviance
PDAK - Child and family support services (Indonesia)
PDI - Pre Departure Information
PDQ - Partnership Defined Quality
PDQ - Program Development and Quality
PDR - Pre Deployment Report
PED - Provincial Education Department
PEFA - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability
PFM - Public Financial Management
PHAST - Participatory Health and Sanitation Transformation
PHC - Primary Health Care
PHP - Philippines Pesos
PHP - Physical and Humiliating Punishment
PIA - Participatory Impact Assessment
PKR - Pakistani Rupees
PINGON - Philippine International Non-Government Organisation Network
PJJWG - Provincial Juvenile Justice Working Group
PLI - Pastoral Livelihoods Initiative
PLW - Pregnant and Lactating Women
PMO - Project/Programme Management Office
PMTCT - Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission
PNC - Post Natal Care
PND - Public Nutrition Department
PNRC - Philippine National Red Cross
PO - Participating Organisations
PoA - Plan of Action
POD - Program Operations Department
POE - Provincial Office of Education
POVCTF - Provincial Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Task Force
PP - Pre-Primary (education related)
PPHI - People's Primary Healthcare Initiative
PPR - Peste de Petite Ruminant
PRA - Participatory Rural Appraisal
PRBS - Poverty Reduction Budget Support
PRM - Participatory Rangeland Management
PRP - Protracted Recovery Programme
PRSP - Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PS - Primary School
PSL - Partnership for Saving Lives
PSNP - Productive Safety Nets Programme
PTA/CMC - Parents Teacher Association/Centre Management Committee
PTSA - Parent Teacher Student Association
PVO - Private Voluntary Organization (mostly used in the United States)
PW - Pregnant Women
PWD - People With Disabilities

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Q Q&A - Questions and Answers
QIP - Quick Impact Project
QLE - Quality Learning Environment
QLO - Quality Learning Opportunities
QoS - Quality of Services

R&R - Rest and Recreation
RAAN - Regin Autnoma del Atlntico Norte/North Atlantic Autonomous Region
RAC - Regional Advisory Council
RADDHO - African Platform for the Defence of Human Rights
RAE - Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian
RAG - Red, Amber and Green
RAIN - Revitalising Agricultural/Pastoral Income and New Markets
RBA - Rights-Based Approaches
RCG - Regional Coordination Group
RD - Regional Director
RDD - Regional Drought Decision
RDT - Rapid Diagnostic Test (for malaria, HIV...)
REDI - Rapid Emergency Deployment Initiative
REGLAP - Regional Learning and Advocacy Programme for Vulnerable Dryland Communities
RELPA - Regional Enhanced Livelihoods in Pastoral Areas
RFA - Request for Applications
RFP - Request for Proposals
RGC - Royal Government of Cambodia
RH - Reproductive Health
RHC - Rural Health Centre
RIA - Rights Into Action
RIDTRT - Regional Identification Documentation Tracing and Reunification Task force
RMNCH - Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health
RNA - Rapid Needs Assessment
RO - Regional Office
RRAP - Risk Reducation Action Plan
RT - Round table
RTE - Real Time Evaluation
RTI - Respiratory Tract Infection
RTL - Response Team Leader
RUSF - Ready to Use Supplementary Food
RUTF - Ready to Use Therapeutic Food

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SSADC - Southern African Development Community
SAE - Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
SAIEVAC - South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children
SAM - Severe Acute Malnutrition
SBA - Skilled Birth Attendant
SB CPC - School Based Child protection Committee
SC - Save the Children
SCA - Save the Children Australia
SCA - South and Central Asia
SCI - Save the Children International
SCN - Save the Children Norway
SCN - Street Children Network
SCS - Save the Children Sweden
SCUK - Save the Children United Kingdom
SCUS - Save the Children United States
SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, DEZA
SDP - Staff Development Programme
SDPP - School Disaster Preparedness Plan
SDRRMG - School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Group
SEA - Sexually Exploitation and Abuse
SEEA - South-East and East Asia
SFP - Supplementary Feeding Programme
SGBV - Sexual and Gender Based Violence
SHG - Self Help Group
SHN - School Health and Nutrition
SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
SIP - School Improvement Plan
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SLT - Senior Leadership Team
SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound (goal setting and planning)
SMC - School Management Committee
SMDP - Senior Development Management Programme
SMT - Senior Management Team
SMT - Senior Management Training
SNEHA - Social Need Education and Human Awareness
SNL - Saving Newborn Lives
SNL - Special Needs Learner
SOF - Source of Funds
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SOW - Scope of Work
SOWM - State of the World's Mothers (SC report produced annually)
SPSS - Statistical Packages for Social Sciences
SSC - School Student Council
SSN - Social Safety Nets
SSR - Self Sufficiency ratio (food security)
SSS - Second Shift School
STD - Sexually Transmitted Diseases
STI - Sexually Transmitted Infections
SUN - Scaling Up Nutrition
SWD - Social Welfare Department
SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
SZOP - Schools as Zones of Peace

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TTA - Technical Advisor/Assistance
TAF - Travel Authorisation Form
TB - Tuberculosis
TBA - Traditional Birth Attendant
TCM - Tackling Child Malnutrition
TDY - Temporary Duty Assignment
TEC - Tsunami Evaluation Centre
TFC - Therapeutic Feeding Centre
TFP - Therapeutic Feeding Programme
TLC - Temporary Learning Centre
TLG - Thematic Leadership Group
TLU - Tropical Livestock Unit
ToC - Theory of Change
ToR - Terms of Reference
ToT -Training of Trainers
TSFP - Targeted supplementary feeding programme
TTI - Tetanus Toxoid I (vaccination)
TVET - Technical and Vocational Education and Training
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UU5DR - Under 5 Crude Death Rate
UAM - Unaccompanied Minor
UC - Union Council
UN - United Nations
UNCRC - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
UNDAC - United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UNDSS - United Nations Department of Security and Safety
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNFPA - United Nations Family Planning Associations
UNHAS - United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHC - United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator
UNHCR - UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
UNISDR - United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
UNMAS - UN Mine Action Service
UNR - Universal Periodic Review
UNRC - United Nations Resident Coordinator
UP - Unified Presence
USAid - United States Agency for International Development
USD - United States Dollars
USG - United States Government
USP - Unit Selling Price
UTF - Ready to Use Therapeutic Food

                                                                                                                                       Back to top

V VC - Village Committee
VDC - Village Development Council
VDP - Village Development Programmes
VFM - Value for Money
VFS - Violence Free Schools
VHSG - Village Health Support Group
VNR - Video News Release
VSLA - Village Savings and Loans Association

WWARF - West Africa Rural Foundation
WASH - Water Sanitation and Hygiene
WATSAN - Water and Sanitation
WCA - West and Central Africa
WCCC - Women and Children Consultative Committee
WEO - Woreda Education Office
WFH - Weight For Height
WFP - World Food Programme
WG - Working Group
WHO - World Health Organisation
WRA - Women of Reproductive Age
WUC - Water User Committee
WV - World Vision

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Y YFS - Youth Friendly Service
YFHS - Youth Friendly Health Service
YTD - Year To Date


Global Health Certificate Programs

Free certificate programs in Global Health, where one can freely learn
1) Topics of Child Survival
2) Cross-cutting issues
3) Early Childhood Development
4) Family Planning Methods
5) Family Planning Programming
6) Gender and Health
7) Governance and Health
8) Health Systems
8) Impact Evaluation of Health Communication Programs
9) Infectious Diseases
10) Maternal Health
11) Monitoring and Evaluation
12) Neonatal Health
13) Nutrition
14) Organizational Change and Knowledge Management (including Knowledge Management in Global Health Programs)
15) Private Sector Approaches (e.g. Total Market Approach, Social Marketing for Health)
16) Reproductive Health Issues (e.g. Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health)


List of investment books (Vietnamese)

List of investment books in Vietnamese

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