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Các từ viết tắt và nghĩa của chúng


AA - Administrative Assistant
ABA - Applied Behaviour Analysts
ABE - Alternative Based Education
ABEC - Alternative Basic Education Centre
AC - Administrative Council
ACAPES - Cultural Association for Education and Social Self-Promotion
ACF - Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger)
ACCRA - African Climate Change Resilience Alliance Conference
ACP - Africa, Caribbean and Pacific
ACRWC - African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
AD - Adolescent Development
AD - Area Director
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADC - Area Development Committee
ADRA - Adventist Development and Relief Association
AER - Annual Estimate of Requirements
AfDB - African Development Bank
AFT - Advanced Field Training
AFU - Annual Family Update
AGE - Anti-Government Elements
AGRITEX - Agriculture, Technical and Extension services
AIDS - Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
AL - Adult Literacy
ALNAP - Active Learning Network of Accountability and Performance
ALP - Alternative Learning Programme
AMP - Annual Manement Plan
AMS - Award Management System (formerly GMS - Grant Management System)
AMT - Advocacy Measurement Tool
ANC - Ante Natal Care
ANEP - Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Project
ANM - Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
AO - Area Office
AOT - Activity Output Tracker
APLM - Anti Personnel Land Mine
APS - Annual Program Statement
AR - Annual Report
ARI - Acite Respiratory Infection
ARM - Area Manager Report
ARM - Armenian dram (currency)
ARSH - Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health
ASAL - Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations
ASISt - Automated Sponsorship Information System (SC US sponsorship database)
ASR - Annual Status Report
AU - African Union
AusAID - Australian Agency for International Development
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BBB - Blackbaud (fundraising software)
BC - Behaviour Centred
BCC - Behaviour Change Communication (also called IEC)
BCG - Bacillus Calmette Guerin (TB vaccine)
BCG - Boston Consulting Group
BDS - Business Development Services
BE - Basic Education
BEmONC - Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care
BF - Breast Feeding
BHC - Basic Health Centre
BHS - Basic Health Services
BIDP - Best Interest Determination Panel
BLEND - Better Living, Education, Nutrition, and Development (project)
BMI - Body Mass Index
BMIC - Big and Middle Income Countries
BNSP - Basic Nutrition Services Package
BOND - British Overseas NGO for Development
BPHS - Basic Package of Health Services
BPRM - Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
BSFP - Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme
BSO - Building Safer Organisations
BTL - Better Teaching and Learning

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CC&F - Cost and Freight
C&W - Children and War
CAB - China Association of the Blind
CABA - Children Affected By AIDS
CAC - Community AIDS Committee
CAFF - Children Affected by Fighting Forces
CAP - Consolidated Appeal Process
CAP - Country Annual Plan (also Country Annual Planning)
CAR - Cordillera Administrative Region (Philippines)
CAR - Country Annual Report
CASP - Common Approach to Sponsorship-funded Programming
CATCH - Coordinated Approach To Child Health
CBA - Cost-Benefit Analysis
CBAC - Capacity Building & Assessment Centre
CBC - Community Based Classes
CBCCC - Community Based Child Care Centres
CBCPC - Community Based Child Protection Committee/Council
CBD - Community Based Distribution (refers to contraceptives)
CBDRM - Community Based Disaster Risk Management
CBE - Community Based Education
CBHA - Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies
CBHC - Community Based Health Care
CBI - Community Based Interventions
CBO - Community Based Organisation
CBP - Capacity Building and Preparedness
CBR - Community Based Rehabilitation (usually in CWD context)
CBR - Crude Birth Rate
CBS - Community Based School
CC - Children's Clubs
CC - Climate Change
CCA - Climate Change Adaptation
CCG - Country Consultation Group
CCLEE - Combating Child Labout and Exploitation through Education
CCM - Community Case Management
CCMW - Community Case Management Worker
CCT - Conditional Cash Transfer
CCWC - Commune Committee for Women and Children
CCYMCR - Cambodia Children and Young People Movement for Child Rights
C-DOTS - Community Directly Observed for Treatment Short course
CD - Community Development
CD - Country Director
CDC - Community Development Council/Committee
CDC - Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
CDD - Community Driven Development
CDD - Control of Diarheaol Diseases
CDPF - China Disabled Persons' Federation
CDQ - Community Defined Quality
CDR - Crude Death Rate
CDRC - Citizen's Disaster Response Centre
CE - Community Engagement
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CEE - Central and Eastern Europe
CEF - Save the Children Emergency Fund
CERF - UN Children's Emergency Response Fund
CESR - Centre for Environmental and Social Economic Regeneration (India)
CF - Children's Fund
CF - Community Facilitator
CFC - Civil-Military Fusion Centre
CFS - Child Friendly School
CFS - Child Friendly Spaces
CFW - Cash for Work
CG - Collaborative/Consultative Group
CGRS - Contract Grant Review System (used by Save the Children US)
CH - Case History
CHA - Community Health Agent
CHAON - Children's Action Against Oppression and Neglect
CHC - Community Health Centre
CHH - Child Headed Households
CHF - Common Humanitarian Funding
ChSW - Children of Sex Workers (Bangladesh)
CHV - Community Health Volunteer
CHW - Community Health Worker
CIC - Children In Crisis
CICL - Child In Conflict with the Law
CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIMCI - Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
CIP - Community Investment Plan
CLAN - Community Leaders' Action Network
CLSS - Community Life Saving Skills
CM - Community Mobilisation/Mobiliser
CMAM - Community Management of Acute Malnutrition
CMR - Child Mortality Rate / Crude Mortality Rate
CMST - Community Management Skills Training
CMT - Crisis Management Team
CNCC - Cambodia National Council for Children
CO - Country Office
CO - Community Organisation
COC - Code Of Conduct
CoD - Cost of Diet
COLA - Cost Of Living Allowance
CONAFE - National Coalition of Associations and NGOs in Favour of Children
COO - Chief Operating Officer
CoP - Chief of Party
COSUDE - Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperacin (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, DEZA)
CP - Child Protection
CP - Children's Parliament
CPA - Certified Public Accountant
CPAN - Child Protection Action Network
CPC - Child Protection Committee
CPH - Core Process Harmonisation
CPI - Child Protection Initiative
CPIE - Child Protection In Emergencies
CPM - Child Protection Movement
CPN - Child Protection Network
CPP - Child Protection Policy
CPR - Contraception Prevalence Rate
CPTS - Child Protection Trainee Schemes
CPU - Child Protection Unit
CR - Child Rights
CRAN - Child Rights Advocacy Network
CRB - Child Rights Based
CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child
CRENAM Centre de Rhabilitation Nutritionnelle Ambulatoire Modre / Out-patient Nutrition Recuperation Centre for Moderate Malnutrition
CRENAS Centre de Rhabilitation Nutritionnelle Ambulatoire Svre / Out-patient Nutrition Recuperation Centre for Severe Malnutrition
CRENI - Centres de Rhabilitation Nutritionnelle intensive/ Intensive Nutrition Recuperation Centre for Severe Malnutrition / Centro de Recuperacin Nutricional Intensivo
CRG - Child Rights Governance
CRM - Child Rights Movement
CRM - Cost Related Market
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
CRP - Child Rights Programming
CRSA - Child Rights Situation Analysis
CS - Country Strategy
CSA - Chronically Sick Adult
CSAE - Child Sexually Abused and Exploited
CSB - Corn Soya Blend
CSE - Comprehensive Sexuality Education
CSI - Coping Strategies Index
CSO - Child Safe Organisation
CSO - Civil Society Organisation
CSODR - Civil Society Organisation for Disaster Reduction
CSP - Child Safeguarding Policy
CSP - Community Schools Project
CSP - Country Strategic Plan
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
CSS - Comprehensive School Safety (usually in DRR context)
CSSP - Child Sensitive Social Protection
CT - Cash Transfer
CTC - Child-To-Child
CTC - Community-based Therapeutic Care
CTC - Cross Thematic Cost
CV - Community Volunteer
CW - Children and Work
CWAC - Children Without Adequate/Appropriate Care
CWC - Councils for the Welfare of Children
CWCC - Cambodia Women's Crisis Centre
CWD - Children With Disabilities
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DD&D - Decentralisation and Deconcentration (Cambodia specific)
D2D - Door to Door (donor acquisition/fundraising activity)
DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency
DAPP - Development Aid People to People
DC - District Commissioner
DCD - Deputy Country Director
DCM - Drought Cycle Management
DCOF - Displaced Children and Orphans Fund
DD - Deputy Director
DD - Diahreaol Disease
DD - Due Diligence
DDC - Direction du dveloppement et de la coopration, DEZA
DDR - Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
DDRC - District Disaster Relief Committees
DEC - Disaster Emergency Committee
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DEO - District Education Office/Officer
DepEd - Department of Education
DevEd - Development Education
DEZA - Direktion fr Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Swiss Agncy for Development and Cooperation)
DFA - Delegated Financial Authority
DFID - Department for International Development (UK)
DHMT - District Health Management Team
DHO - District Health Office
DHS - Demographic and Health Study/Survey
DHS - District Health Services
DILG - Department of Interior and Local Government
DIPECHO - European Commission Humanitarian Aid department's Disaster Preparedness programme
DM - Direct Mail
DM&E - Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
DMI - Drought Management Office
DMO - District Medical Officer (health)
DMO - District Monitoring Officer
DMS - Document Management System
DNA - Damage and Needs Assessment
DND - Department of National Defence
DO - District Officer
DOC - Disaster Operating Centre
DOE - District Officer of Education
DOO - Director of Operations
DOST - Department of Science and Technology
DOTS - Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course
DP - Disaster Preparedness
DPF - Disabled Persons' Federation
DPO - Disabled Persons' Organisation
DPR - Disaster Preparedness Response
DPRK - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
DPT - Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (vaccine)
DRC - Democratic Republic of Congo
DRM - Direct Response Marketing
DRM - Disaster Risk Management
DRR & CCA - Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
DRRM - Disaster Risk Reduction Management
DRTL - Deputy Response Team Leader
DRTV - Direct Response Television (fundraising TV ads)
DSC - District Steering Committee
DSG - District Steering Group
DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development

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EEA - Emergency Advisor
EAC - East African Council
EARO - East Africa Regional Office
EBE - Extended Basic Education
EBF - Exclusive Breast Feeding
ECB - Emergency Capacity Building
ECCD - Early Childhood Care and Development (6m to 5y)
ECD - Early Childhood Development
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECED - Early Childhood Education and Development
ECFF - European Commission Food Facility Programme
ECG - Emergency Coordination Group
ECHO - European Commission Humanitarian Office
ECL - Exploitative Child Labour
ECOSOC - UN Economic and Social Council
ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
ECPAT - End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking (Cambodia)
ECR - Equitable Cost Recovery
ECWG - Education Cluster Working Group
Ed - Education
EdGI - Education Global Initiative
EDO - Executive District Officer
EE - Economic Empowerment
EEP - Efficiency, Effectiveness and Productivity
EFA - Education For All
EFC - Emergency Foundation Course
EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
EGI - Education Global Initiative
EHA - Evaluation of Humanitarian Actions
EHPP -Emergency Hygiene Promotion Package
EHVP - European Humanitarian Volunteer Programme
EIDHR - European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights
EiE - Education in Emergencies
ELDP - Executive Leadership Development Programme
ELHRA - Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance
ELM - Education Learning Materials
ELMT - Enhanced Livelihoods in Mandera Triangle
ELSE - Enhanced Livelihoods in Southern Ethiopia
EMG - Emergency Management Group
EMIS - Education Management Information System
EML - Essential Medicine List
EmONC - Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care
EmOp - Emergency Operation
ENC - Essential Newborn Care
ENP - European Neighbourhood Policy
EO - Economic Opportunities
EOD - Explosive Ordinance Disposal
EOG - Emergency Oversight Group
EOI - Expression Of Interest
EOP - Emergency Operation Programme
EP - Evacuation Plan
EPP - Early Post Partum
EPP - Emergency Preparedness Plan
EPR - Emergency Preparedness and Response
EQUIP - Educational Quality Improvement Program
ERF - Emergency Response Fund
ERP - Emergency Response Personnel
ERS - Early Recovery Sector
ERT - Emergency Response Team
ERW - Explosive Remnants of War
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESOPs - Emergency Standard Operating Procedures
ESSS - Early Steps to School Success
ET - Evaluation Team
ETL - Emergency Team Leader
EU - European Union
EUPS - European Union Programme Support
EVHAC - European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
EVHP - European Voluntary Humanitarian Programme
EWS - Early Warning System
EYE - Education and Youth Empowerment

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FF&T - Foundations and Trusts
F2F - Face to Face (donor acquisition/fundraising activity)
FA - First Aid
FAK - First Aid Kit
FAM - Food Aid Management
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN)
FBF - Fortified Blend Foods
FBO - Faith-Based Organisation
FCHV - Female Community Health Volunteer
FCO - Female Community Organisation
FEWS-NET - Famine Early Warning System Network
FFW - Food For Work
FG - Foster Grandparent
FGD - Focus Group Discussion
FGM - Female Genital Mutilation (note also called FGC Female Genital Cutting)
FM - Field Manager
FMS - Financial Management System (aka Agresso in SCI centre))
FMT - Field Manager Training
FP - Family Planning
FR - Fluent Reader
FRESH - Focusing Resources on Effective School Health
FRWG - Fundraising Working Group
FS - Food Security
FS - Fragile States
FS - Fund Summary
FSL - Food Security and Livelihoods
FSNAU - Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit
FSR - Financial Status Report
FSW - Female Sex Worker
FTE - Full Time Employee
FTI - Fast Track Initiative
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FTR - Family Tracking and Reunification
FTS - Financial Tracking Service
FY - Fiscal Year (also Full Year)

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GGAD - Gender Assisted Development
GAM - Global Acute Malnutrition
GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Iniatives
GBV - Gender Based Violence
GCRI - Global Climate Risk Index
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GER - Gross Enrolment Ratio
GFD - General Food Distribution
GFATM - Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
GI - Global Initiative
GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System
GiK - Gifts in Kind
GIM - Global Impact Monitoring
GIRP - Guided Independent Reading Practice
GIS - Global Information Systems
GM - Growth Monitoring
GMI - Group Maturity Index
GMS - Grant Management System (now called AMS)
GNP - Gross National Product
GoB - Government of Bangladesh
GOI - Global Outcome Indicator
GoK - Government of Kenya
GONGO - Governmental Operated Non-Governmental Organisation (China)
GoP - Government of the Philippines
GPD - Global Program Director
GPE - Global Partnership for Education
GPMU - Goal and Performance Management Unit
GRN - Goods Received Note
GS - Gift Summary
GSS - Global Safety and Security
GWI - Global Water Initiative

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HHA - Humanitarian Assistance
HAC - Humanitarian Aid Commission
HAP - Humanitarian Accountability Project
HB - Home Based
HBA - Home Based Activities
HBB - Helping Babies Breathe
HBC - Home Based Care
HBCV - Home Based Care Volunteer
HC - Health Centre
HCMC - Health Centre Management Committee
HCP - Health Care Provider
HCT - Humanitarian Country Team
HDDS - Household Dietary Diversity Score
HDI - Human Development Index
HE - Health Education
HEA - Household Economy Analysis/Approach
HEART - Healing and Education through the Arts
HERR - Humanitarian Emergency Response Review
HFA - Height For Age
HH - Household
HINI - High Impact Nutrition Interventions
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HHH - Household Head
HLDP - Humanitarian Leadership Development Programme
HNWI - High Net Worth Individuals
HO - Head Office
HoA - Horn of Africa
HP - Health Post
HPG - Humanitarian Policy Group
HQ - Headquarters
HR - Human Resources
HRBA - Human Rights-Based Approach
HRI - Humanitarian Response Index
HSDP - Humanitarian Skills Development Programme
HSNP - Hunger Safety Net Programme
HSA - Health Surveillance Assistant
HSS - Health System Strengthening (programme)
HST - Humanitarian Support Team
HTP - Harmful Traditional Practice
HTS - Humanitarian Trainee Scheme
HTU - Humanitarian Technical Unit
HTWG - Humanitarian Technical Working Group
HVD - High Value Donor

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IIASC - Inter-Agency Standing Committee
IATI - Independent Aid Transparency Initiative
IAWG - Inter-Agency Working Group
ICCM - Integrated Community Case Management
ICDS - Integrated Child Development Services/Scheme
ICR - Indirect Cost Recovery (similar to overheads)
ICRC - International Committee of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
ICVA - International Council of Voluntary Agencies
IDLO - International Development Law Organisation
IDP - Internally Displaced People/Population
IDSR - Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response
IDTR - Identification, Documentation, Tracing and Reunification
IDU - Injecting Drug User
IEC - Information, Education and Communication
IED Improvised Explosive Device
IFE - Infant Feeding in Emergencies
IFRC - International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
IFS - Integrated Food Security
IGA - Income Generating Activities
IIC - Investment In Children
ILO - International Labour Organisation
IMAM - Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
IMC - International Medical Corps
IMCI - Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
IMNCI - Integrated Management of Newborn and Child Illness
IMF - International Monetary Fund
INEE - Inter-agency Network on Education in Emergencies
INGO - International Non-Governmental Organisation
INSO - International NGO Safety Organisation
IOM - International Organisation for Migration
IPC - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
IP - Implementing Partner
IP - International Programs
IQC - Indefinite Quantity Contract
IRC - International Rescue Committee
IRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
ISAF - International Security Assistance Force (Afghanistan)
ISAL - Internal Savings and Lending
IYCF - Infant and Young Children Feeding

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JJD - Job Description
JEOP - Joint Emergency Operational Plan
JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency
JRNA - Joint Rapid Needs Assessment

KKAPE - Kampuchea Action for Primary Education
KG - Kindergarten
KII - Key Informant Interview
KMC - Kangaroo Mother Care
KPC - Knowledge, Practices and Coverage
KPI - Key Performance Indicators
KSh - Kenyan Shillings

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LL&D - Learning and Development
LAC - Latin America and Caribbean
LB - Literacy Boost
LBW - Low Birth Weight
LDP - Leadership Development Programme
LDRRMP - Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan
LEGs - Livestock Emergency Guidelines
LG - Local Government
LGU - Local Government Unit
LHW - Lady Health Worker
LICADHO - Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights
LIG - Low Impact Gardening
LMT - Logistics Management
LoC - Letter of Commitment
LP - Livelihoods Protection
LRRD - Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
LSDP - Logistic Skills Development Programme
LWA - Leader With Associate award
LZ - Livelihood Zone

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MM&E - Monitoring and Evaluation
MAM - Moderated Acute Malnutrition
MARP - Most At Risk Populations
MCF - MasterCard Foundation
MCH - Mother/Maternal and Child Health
MCHN - Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition
MCO - Male Community Organisation
MDFT - Multi-Donor Trust Funds
MDG - Millennium Development Goal
MDP - Management Development Programme
MEAL - Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
MEE - Middle East and Eurasia
MELAG - Monitoring and Evaluation Learning Advisory Group
MES - Ministry of Emergency Situations
MIC - Middle Income Countries
MIP - Management Investment Plan
MIS - Management Information System
MLSI - Ministry of Labour and Social Issues
MMDA Manila Metropolitan Development Authority
MMR - Maternal Mortality Rate
MMT - Middle Management Training
MNCH - Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
MoA - Ministry of Agriculture
MODA - Member Organisational Development Approach
MoE - Ministry of Education
MoES - Ministry of Education and Science
MoEYS - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
MoH - Ministry of Health
MoJ - Ministry of Justice
MoNKOAL - Ministry of State for Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid Lands
MoPH - Ministry of Public Health
MOS - Management Operating Standards
MOS - Minimum Operating Standards
MoSVY - Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation
MoTA - Ministry of Territorial Administration
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
MOWCA - Ministry Of Women and Children's Affairs
MRI - Mortality Risk Index
MSF- Mdecins Sans Frontires (Doctors Without Borders)
MT - Metric Tonne
MTE - Mid Term Evaluation
MTSR - Mid-Term Strategic Report
MUAC - Middle Upper Arm Circumference (malnutrition measure)

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NNCDM - National Committee for Disaster Management
NCP - National Children's Parliament
NCR - National Capital Region
NCS - Newborn Child Survival
NDCC - National Disaster Coordinating Council
NDMA  - National Disaster Management Authority
NDRRMC - National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
NDRRMP - National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan
NEDA - National Economic Development Authority
NEP - NGO Education Partnership
NER - Net Enrolment Ratio
NERS - Nutrition Education Rehabilitation Services
NFE - Non-Formal Education
NFI - Non-Food Item
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
NGOCRC - NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child
NHC - Neighbourhood Health Committee
NHRI - National Human Rights Institution
NOVCTF - National Orphans and Vulnerable Children Task Force
NPA - National People's Army
NPAC - National Plan of Action for the Children
NPO - Non-Profit Organisation
NRM - Natural Resource Management
NSC - National Standard of Care (Indonesia)
NSS - National Statistics Service
NTC - National Transitional Council (Libya)
NTC - Non Thematic Cost

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OOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN)
OCD - Office of Civil Defence
ODA - Overseas Development Assistance
ODC - Open Day Campaign
OECD-DAC - Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development - Development Assistance Committee
OFDA - Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance
ODI - Overseas Development Institute
ODP - Outline Development Plan
OHCHR - Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response
OPAC - Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in Armed Conflict
oPt - Occupied Palestinian Territory
OPD - Out-Patient Department
ORS - Oral Rehydration Solution/Salts
OST - Opium Substitution Therapy
OTP - Outpatient Therapeutic Care
OVC - Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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PPACAPS - Pastoral Areas Coordination, Analysis ad Policy Support
PAL - Pre-Approval Letter
PAL - Pre-Award Authorisation Letter
PaP - Port-au-Prince (capital of Haiti)
PCDM - Provincial Committee for Disaster Management
PCM - Pneumonia Case Management
PD - Positive Deviance
PDAK - Child and family support services (Indonesia)
PDI - Pre Departure Information
PDQ - Partnership Defined Quality
PDQ - Program Development and Quality
PDR - Pre Deployment Report
PED - Provincial Education Department
PEFA - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability
PFM - Public Financial Management
PHAST - Participatory Health and Sanitation Transformation
PHC - Primary Health Care
PHP - Philippines Pesos
PHP - Physical and Humiliating Punishment
PIA - Participatory Impact Assessment
PKR - Pakistani Rupees
PINGON - Philippine International Non-Government Organisation Network
PJJWG - Provincial Juvenile Justice Working Group
PLI - Pastoral Livelihoods Initiative
PLW - Pregnant and Lactating Women
PMO - Project/Programme Management Office
PMTCT - Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission
PNC - Post Natal Care
PND - Public Nutrition Department
PNRC - Philippine National Red Cross
PO - Participating Organisations
PoA - Plan of Action
POD - Program Operations Department
POE - Provincial Office of Education
POVCTF - Provincial Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Task Force
PP - Pre-Primary (education related)
PPHI - People's Primary Healthcare Initiative
PPR - Peste de Petite Ruminant
PRA - Participatory Rural Appraisal
PRBS - Poverty Reduction Budget Support
PRM - Participatory Rangeland Management
PRP - Protracted Recovery Programme
PRSP - Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PS - Primary School
PSL - Partnership for Saving Lives
PSNP - Productive Safety Nets Programme
PTA/CMC - Parents Teacher Association/Centre Management Committee
PTSA - Parent Teacher Student Association
PVO - Private Voluntary Organization (mostly used in the United States)
PW - Pregnant Women
PWD - People With Disabilities

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Q Q&A - Questions and Answers
QIP - Quick Impact Project
QLE - Quality Learning Environment
QLO - Quality Learning Opportunities
QoS - Quality of Services

R&R - Rest and Recreation
RAAN - Regin Autnoma del Atlntico Norte/North Atlantic Autonomous Region
RAC - Regional Advisory Council
RADDHO - African Platform for the Defence of Human Rights
RAE - Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian
RAG - Red, Amber and Green
RAIN - Revitalising Agricultural/Pastoral Income and New Markets
RBA - Rights-Based Approaches
RCG - Regional Coordination Group
RD - Regional Director
RDD - Regional Drought Decision
RDT - Rapid Diagnostic Test (for malaria, HIV...)
REDI - Rapid Emergency Deployment Initiative
REGLAP - Regional Learning and Advocacy Programme for Vulnerable Dryland Communities
RELPA - Regional Enhanced Livelihoods in Pastoral Areas
RFA - Request for Applications
RFP - Request for Proposals
RGC - Royal Government of Cambodia
RH - Reproductive Health
RHC - Rural Health Centre
RIA - Rights Into Action
RIDTRT - Regional Identification Documentation Tracing and Reunification Task force
RMNCH - Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health
RNA - Rapid Needs Assessment
RO - Regional Office
RRAP - Risk Reducation Action Plan
RT - Round table
RTE - Real Time Evaluation
RTI - Respiratory Tract Infection
RTL - Response Team Leader
RUSF - Ready to Use Supplementary Food
RUTF - Ready to Use Therapeutic Food

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SSADC - Southern African Development Community
SAE - Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
SAIEVAC - South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children
SAM - Severe Acute Malnutrition
SBA - Skilled Birth Attendant
SB CPC - School Based Child protection Committee
SC - Save the Children
SCA - Save the Children Australia
SCA - South and Central Asia
SCI - Save the Children International
SCN - Save the Children Norway
SCN - Street Children Network
SCS - Save the Children Sweden
SCUK - Save the Children United Kingdom
SCUS - Save the Children United States
SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, DEZA
SDP - Staff Development Programme
SDPP - School Disaster Preparedness Plan
SDRRMG - School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Group
SEA - Sexually Exploitation and Abuse
SEEA - South-East and East Asia
SFP - Supplementary Feeding Programme
SGBV - Sexual and Gender Based Violence
SHG - Self Help Group
SHN - School Health and Nutrition
SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
SIP - School Improvement Plan
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SLT - Senior Leadership Team
SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound (goal setting and planning)
SMC - School Management Committee
SMDP - Senior Development Management Programme
SMT - Senior Management Team
SMT - Senior Management Training
SNEHA - Social Need Education and Human Awareness
SNL - Saving Newborn Lives
SNL - Special Needs Learner
SOF - Source of Funds
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SOW - Scope of Work
SOWM - State of the World's Mothers (SC report produced annually)
SPSS - Statistical Packages for Social Sciences
SSC - School Student Council
SSN - Social Safety Nets
SSR - Self Sufficiency ratio (food security)
SSS - Second Shift School
STD - Sexually Transmitted Diseases
STI - Sexually Transmitted Infections
SUN - Scaling Up Nutrition
SWD - Social Welfare Department
SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
SZOP - Schools as Zones of Peace

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TTA - Technical Advisor/Assistance
TAF - Travel Authorisation Form
TB - Tuberculosis
TBA - Traditional Birth Attendant
TCM - Tackling Child Malnutrition
TDY - Temporary Duty Assignment
TEC - Tsunami Evaluation Centre
TFC - Therapeutic Feeding Centre
TFP - Therapeutic Feeding Programme
TLC - Temporary Learning Centre
TLG - Thematic Leadership Group
TLU - Tropical Livestock Unit
ToC - Theory of Change
ToR - Terms of Reference
ToT -Training of Trainers
TSFP - Targeted supplementary feeding programme
TTI - Tetanus Toxoid I (vaccination)
TVET - Technical and Vocational Education and Training
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UU5DR - Under 5 Crude Death Rate
UAM - Unaccompanied Minor
UC - Union Council
UN - United Nations
UNCRC - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
UNDAC - United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UNDSS - United Nations Department of Security and Safety
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNFPA - United Nations Family Planning Associations
UNHAS - United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHC - United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator
UNHCR - UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
UNISDR - United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
UNMAS - UN Mine Action Service
UNR - Universal Periodic Review
UNRC - United Nations Resident Coordinator
UP - Unified Presence
USAid - United States Agency for International Development
USD - United States Dollars
USG - United States Government
USP - Unit Selling Price
UTF - Ready to Use Therapeutic Food

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V VC - Village Committee
VDC - Village Development Council
VDP - Village Development Programmes
VFM - Value for Money
VFS - Violence Free Schools
VHSG - Village Health Support Group
VNR - Video News Release
VSLA - Village Savings and Loans Association

WWARF - West Africa Rural Foundation
WASH - Water Sanitation and Hygiene
WATSAN - Water and Sanitation
WCA - West and Central Africa
WCCC - Women and Children Consultative Committee
WEO - Woreda Education Office
WFH - Weight For Height
WFP - World Food Programme
WG - Working Group
WHO - World Health Organisation
WRA - Women of Reproductive Age
WUC - Water User Committee
WV - World Vision

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Y YFS - Youth Friendly Service
YFHS - Youth Friendly Health Service
YTD - Year To Date