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Don’t fail your viva!

  • Come prepared

  • Listen: understand the questions and address them directly

  • Make eye contact

  • Show enthusiasm for your work (let your voice, face, body movements do their jobs)

  • See you work in the bigger picture (Therefore, my work is an example /manifestation/ reflection of a more general phenomenon/body of literature on…)

  • Be able to refer directly to your text in answering questions (I chapter 4, section 2, I have already said that….)

  • Be able to refer directly to seminal texts by author and with accuracy

  • Be able to articulate the nature and scale of your contribution

  • Think forward – beyond the research to further work and its implications

  • Be reflective – be able to say what was good about your work and what could be improved and how?

What shouldn’t you do in a viva?

  • Assume that the viva does not matter

  • Answer a question with ‘my supervisor made me do it’

  • Stick to one word answers

  • Display intransigence

  • Display rampant cynicism

  • Be flippant

  • Display a lack of interest

  • Show an inability to describe your own work

  • Show an inability to define fundamental terms

  • Show an inability to talk about the papers that you cite


What would you do in a viva (UK system)?

  • Showing respect for the academic system and the discipline

  • Showing general mastery of the domain and its intellectual tools

  • Demonstrating intellectual independence

  • Joining the academic discourse

  • Undergoing a rite of passage

Possible outcomes of a viva: all doctoral candidates in UK should know

1- Outright pass. Very Rare.

2- Pass with minor corrections: Candidate needs to make tiny changes after few days. Examiners are not involved in checking. Rare.

3- Pass with minor editorial revisions. The most likely outcome. The student has to change/correct the thesis within two month. The internal examiner must check them and confirm in writing if they have been made. Likely to happen.

4- Pass with major editorial revisions: Corrections (provided by the examiners) must be made within 4 months. Internal examiner must check them and confirm in writing that they have been made. Likely to happen.

5- Referral (examiners specify a period up to 12 months). The student may resubmit a revised thesis (once only) – both examiners must re-read and make a decision. Quite a few.

6-Award of an Mphil or referral for an Mphil. Very rare.

7-Outright fail. Very rare.

How to survive your viva?

Step 1. Identify generic questions

    • HOW ARE YOU GOING TO USE YOUR RESEARCH FINDINGS? (what is your next step?)

Step 2. Identify specific questions.

Step 3. Practice answering verbally.

    • Using clear voice
    • Speed: 150 words per minute, according to international standard
    • Eye contact
    • Sitting straight, a bit forward
    • Not offensive to take and answer questions. See this as an unique opportunity to discuss your work with somebody
    • See the viva as a positive thing


Drinking in a town, by areas

Map picture

Odd and Odds ratio?

p1 (p of y at mean of x) : 0.2

p2 (p of y at mean of x +1 sd): (0.4

What is odds ratio?

odd1: (0.2)/(1-0.2)=0.2/0.8=1/4=.25

odd2: (0.4)/(1-0.4)=0.4/0.6=2/3=.33

odds ration: odd2/odd1: 0.33/0.25=1.32


Factor analysis in Stata: PCF vs PF

1) use PCF when: you intent to develop one concept. If after rotation there are more than one factor, take the first one only.
  • Variance is considered 1 for each item.
  • Total variance is equal to number of items
2) use PF when: you guess there are more than one concept/dimension in the set of items
  • Concerns with shared variance (R2 of each item regressed on the rest), not the total variance
  • Total shared variance is always smaller than number of items


Drinking in socialist and post-socialist countries

Chenet, L., Leon, D., McKee, M., & Vassin, S. (1998). Deaths from Alcohol and Violence in Moscow: Socio-Economic Determinants. European Journal of Population / Revue Européenne de Démographie, 14(1), 19-37.

Connor, W. D. (1971). Alcohol and Soviet Society. Slavic Review, 30(3), 570-588.

Hann, C. (2004). Wine, sand and socialism: some enduring effects of Hungary's 'flexible' model of collectivization. In M. Petrick & P. Weingarten (Eds.), The role of agriculture in central and eastern European rural development: engine of change or social buffer? (Vol. 25, pp. 192-208). Halle: IAMO.

Herrold, M. (2001). Which Truth? Cultural Politics and Vodka in Rural Russia. Geographical Review, 91(1/2), 295-303.

James, S. R. (1985). Alcohol, public policy and the left: the socialist debate in the early twentieth century Europe. Contemporary Drug Problems, 3(Summer), 309-330.

Koester, D. (2003). Drink, Drank, Drunk: A Social-Political Grammar of Russian Drinking Practices in a Colonial Context. The Anthropology of East Europe Review, 21(2).

Kononenko, N. (2004). Karaoke Ivan Kupalo: Ritual in Post-Soviet Ukraine. The Slavic and East European Journal, 48(2), 177-202.

Kristenson, M., Kucinskienë, Z., Bergdahl, B., Calkauskas, H., Urmonas, V., & Orth-Gomér, K. (1998). Increased psychosocial strain in Lithuanian versus Swedish men: the LiVicordia study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60(3), 277-282.

Lampland, M. (1991). Pigs, Party Secretaries, and Private Lives in Hungary. American Ethnologist, 18(3), 459-479.

Leon, D., & Shkolnikov, V. (1998). Social stress and the Russian mortality crisis. JAMA, 279(10), 790-791.

Mains, D. (2004). Drinking, Rumour, and Ethnicity in Jimma, Ethiopia. Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 74(3), 341-360.

Manning, P., & Uplisashvili, A. (2007). "Our Beer": Ethnographic Brands in Postsocialist Georgia. American Anthropologist, 109(4), 626-641.

Moskalewicz, J. (2000). Alcohol in the countries in transition: the Polish experience and the wider context. Contemporary Drug Problems, 3(Fall), 561-592.

Mueggler, E. (1998). The Poetics of Grief and the Price of Hemp in Southwest China. The Journal of Asian Studies, 57(4), 979-1008.

Palosuo, H. (2000). Health-related lifestyles and alienation in Moscow and Helsinki. Social Science & Medicine, 51(9), 1325-1341. doi: 10.1016/s0277-9536(00)00095-2

Phillips, L. L. (1997). Message in a Bottle: Working-Class Culture and the Struggle for Revolutionary Legitimacy, 1900-1929. Russian Review, 56(1), 25-43.

Pietilä, I., & Rytkönen, M. (2008). Coping with stress and by stress: Russian men and women talking about transition, stress and health. Social Science & Medicine, 66(2), 327-338. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.09.002

Pridemore, W. A. (2006). Heavy Drinking and Suicide in Russia. Social Forces, 85(1), 413-430.

Room, R. (1993). Evolution of alcohol monopolies and their relevance for public health. Contemporary Drug Problems, 2(Summer), 169-188.

Sidorov, P. (1995). Russia. In D. B. Heath (Ed.), International handbook on alcohol and culture (pp. 237-253). Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Walberg, P., McKee, M., Shkolnikov, V., Chenet, L., & Leon, D. A. (1998). Economic change, crime, and mortality crisis in Russia: regional analysis. BMJ, 317(7154), 312-318.

Wasserman, D., Värnik, A., & Eklund, G. (1998). Female suicides and alcohol consumption during perestroika in the former USSR. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 98, 26-33. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.1998.tb10762.x

Waters, E., & Thom, B. (2007). Alcohol, Policy and Politics in Kazakhstan. Europe-Asia Studies, 59(6), 999-1023.

Yurchak, A. (2003). Soviet Hegemony of Form: Everything Was Forever, until It Was No More. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 45(3), 480-510.

Acculturation stress and substance use and abuse

Adrian, M. (2002). A critical perspective on cross-cultural contexts for addiction and multiculturalism: their meanings and implications in the substance use field. Substance Use & Misuse, 37(8-10), 853-900.

Anderson, L. P. (1991). Acculturative stress: A theory of relevance to black Americans. Clinical Psychology Review, 11(6), 685-702.

Ayers, J. W., Chambers, C. D., Hofstetter, C. R., Hughes, S. C., Reyes, W. D., Kang, S. W., et al. (2011). Cultural and social network predictors of drinking among Korean American women. Alcohol, 45(1), 89-97.

Bakhireva, L. N., Young, B. N., Dalen, J., Phelan, S. T., & Rayburn, W. F. (2009). Periconceptional binge drinking and acculturation among pregnant Latinas in New Mexico. Alcohol, 43(6), 475-481. doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2009.08.002

Berry, J. (2004). Acculturation. In S. Charles (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology (pp. 27-34). New York: Elsevier.

Berry, J. (2006). Contexts of acculturation. In D. Sam & J. Berry (Eds.), The Cambride handbook of acculturation psychology (pp. 27-42). Cambride: Cambride University Press.

Berry, J. W. (2005). Acculturation: Living successfully in two cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29(6), 697-712.

Berry, J. W., & Ataca, B. (2007). Cultural Factors in Stress. In M. Bruce, E. R. d. Kloet, R. Robert, C. George, S. Andrew, R. Noel & C. Ian (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Stress (Second Edition) (pp. 672-678). New York: Academic Press.

Caetano, R., Clack, C., & Tam, T. (1998). Alcohol consumption among racial/ethnic minorities: theory and research. Alcohol Health & Research World, 22(4), 233-242.

Dawson, D. A. (1998). Beyond Black, White and Hispanic: Race, Ethnic Origin and Drinking Patterns in the United States. Journal of Substance Abuse, 10(4), 321-339. doi: 10.1016/s0899-3289(99)00009-7

Eitle, T. M., Wahl, A.-M. G., & Aranda, E. (2009). Immigrant generation, selective acculturation, and alcohol use among Latina/o adolescents. Social Science Research, 38(3), 732-742.

Gordon, M. (1964). Assimilation in American life: the role of race, religion and national origins. New York: Oxford University Press.

Gutmann, M. C. (1999). Ethnicity, alcohol, and acculturation. Social Science & Medicine, 48(2), 173-184.

Haasen, C., Sinaa, M., & Reimer, J. (2008). Alcohol use disorders among Afghan migrants in Germany. Subst Abus, 29(3), 65-70.

Hanna, J. M., & Fitzgerald, M. H. (1993). Acculturation and symptoms: A comparative study of reported health symptoms in three Samoan communities. Social Science and Medicine, 36(9), 1169-1180. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(93)90237-x

Hasin, D., Rahav, G., Meydan, J., & Neumark, Y. (1998). The Drinking of Earlier and More Recent Russian Immigrants to Israel: Comparison to Other Israelis. Journal of Substance Abuse, 10(4), 341-353. doi: 10.1016/s0899-3289(99)00010-3

Hendershot, C. S., Dliworth, T. M., Neighbors, C., & George, W. H. (2008). Differential effects of acculturation on drinking behavior in Chinese- and Korean-American college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 69(1), 121-128.

Kirmayer, L. J. (1994). Suicide Among Canadian Aboriginal Peoples. Transcultural Psychiatry, 31(1), 3-58. doi: 10.1177/136346159403100101

Landrine, H., & Klonoff, E. A. (2004). Culture change and ethnic-minority health behavior: An operant theory of acculturation. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27(6), 527-555.

Lee, J.-S., Koeske, G. F., & Sales, E. (2004). Social support buffering of acculturative stress: a study of mental health symptoms among Korean international students. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28(5), 399-414.

Makimoto, K. (1998). Drinking patterns and drinking problems among Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders. Alcohol Health & Research World, 22(4), 270-275.

Mino, I., Profit, W. E., & Pierce, C. M. (2007). Minorities and Stress. In M. Editor-in-Chief:  George FinkAssociate Editors:Bruce, E. R. d. Kloet, R. Robert, C. George, S. Andrew, R. Noel, C. Ian & E. R. d. K. R. R. G. C. A. S. N. R. I. C. G. F. Giora FeuersteinA2 - Editor-in-Chief:  George FinkAssociate Editors:Bruce McEwen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Stress (Second Edition) (pp. 748-753). New York: Academic Press.

Neff, J. A., & Hoppe, S. K. (1992). Acculturation and drinking patterns among U.S. Anglos, Blacks, and Mexican Americans. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 27(3), 293-308.

O'Hare, T., & Van Tran, T. (1998). Substance abuse among Southeast Asians in the US: Implications for practice and research. Social Work in Health Care, 26(3), 69-80.

Perez, D. M., Jennings, W. G., & Gover, A. R. (2008). Specifying general strain theory: An ethnically relevant approach. Deviant Behavior, 29(6), 544-578. doi: 10.1080/01639620701839385

Polednak, A. P. (1997). Gender and acculturation in relation to alcohol use among Hispanic (Latino) adults in two areas of the northeastern United States. Substance Use & Misuse, 32(11), 1513-1524.

Quintero, G. (2002). Nostalgia and Degeneration: The Moral Economy of Drinking in Navajo Society. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 16(1), 3-21.

Raffaelli, M., Torres Stone, R. A., Iturbide, M. I., McGinley, M., Carlo, G., & Crockett, L. J. (2007a). Acculturation, gender, and alcohol use among Mexican American college students. Addictive Behaviors, 32(10), 2187-2199. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2007.02.014

Raffaelli, M., Torres Stone, R. A., Iturbide, M. I., McGinley, M., Carlo, G., & Crockett, L. J. (2007b). Aculturation, gender, and alcohol use among Mexican American college students. Addictive Behaviors, 32(10), 2187-2199.

Redfield, R., Linton, R., J., M., & Herskovits, M. J. (1936). Memorandum for the study of acculturation. American Anthropologist, 38(1), 149-152.

Sakai, J. T., Ho, P. M., Shore, J. H., Risk, N. K., & Price, R. K. (2005). Asians in the United States: substance dependence and use of substance-dependence treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 29(2), 75-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2005.04.002

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Schwartz, S. J., Unger, J. B., Rosiers, S. E. D., Huang, S., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., et al. (2012). Substance use and sexual behavior among recent Hispanic immigrant adolescents: Effects of parent–adolescent differential acculturation and communication. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 125, Supplement 1(0), S26-S34. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.05.020

Sharkey, J. D., Sander, J. B., & Jimerson, S. R. (2010). Acculturation and mental health: Response to a culturally-centered delinquency intervention. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(4), 827-834. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2010.05.011

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Strunin, L., Edwards, E. M., Godette, D. C., & Heeren, T. (2007). Country of origin, age of drinking onset, and drinking patterns among Mexican American young adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 91(2–3), 134-140. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2007.05.013

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Vaeth, P. A. C., Caetano, R., & Rodriguez, L. A. (2012). The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): The association between acculturation, birthplace and alcohol consumption across Hispanic national groups. Addictive Behaviors, 37(9), 1029-1037. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2012.04.015

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Techniques of neutralization, vocabulary of motives, techniques of information control

Agnew, R. (1994). The techniques of neutralization and violence. Criminology, 32(4), 555-580.

Akers, R. L., Krohn, M. D., Lanza-Kaduce, L., & Radosevich, M. (1979). Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory. American Sociological Review, 44(4), 636-655.

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Bacharach, S. B., Bamberger, P. A., & Sonnenstuhl, W. J. (2002). Driven to Drink: Managerial Control, Work-Related Risk Factors, and Employee Problem Drinking. The Academy of Management Journal, 45(4), 637-658.

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Christensen, T. (2010). Presumed Guilty: Constructing Deviance and Deviants through Techniques of Neutralization. Deviant Behavior, 31(6), 552 - 577.

Copelton, D. A. (2007). “You are What You Eat”: Nutritional Norms, Maternal Deviance, and Neutralization of Women's Prenatal Diets. Deviant Behavior, 28(5), 467 - 494.

Copes, H. (2003). Societal attachments, offending frequency, and techniques of neutralization. Deviant Behavior, 24(2), 101 - 127.

Costello, B. J. (2000). Techniques of neutralization and self-esteem: a critical test of social control and neutralization theory. Deviant Behavior, 21(4), 307 - 329.

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Wills, W. (1940). Situated actions and vocabularies of motive. American Sociological Review, 5(6), 904-913.

The Muong study

Bùi Tuyết Mai, & Vũ Đức Tân. (1999). Người Mường ở Việt Nam. Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản văn hóa dân tộc.

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Rural transformation in East Asia

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Informal practices that are similar to guanxi and blat

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Rural – urban interface: Rural towns reading list


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Habitus, field, and Bourdieu

Habitus = ??????????

· a system of lasting, transposable dispositions which, integrating past experiences, functions at every moments as matrix of perceptions, appreciations, and actions (Bourdieu, 1977: 83)

· a practical sense for what is to be done in a given situation – what is called in sport a ‘feel’ for the game (Bourdieu, 1998: 25)

· (Embodiment): The body is ‘a mnemonic device upon and in which the very basics of culture …are imprinted and encoded’ in a socialization process which starts in childhood’ (Jenkins, 1992: 75)

· (Embodiment): Habitus incorporates ‘distinct and distinctive practices’ that differ by class, and differentiate between classes – what is eaten, what sports are practiced, what political views are expressed, and the way in which all of these activities are carried out (Bourdieu, 1998: 8)

Field =?????

· A network, or a configuration of objective relations between positions (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992: 97)

· We are predisposed to adopt specific attitudes, values, or behaviours, because of the ways in which we have been conditioned as we have moved across different ‘fields’

· A field is like a network of social relations, positions. It is like a social condition in which we act


Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a theory of practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Masculinity and Alcohol reading list

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Mahalik, J. R., Burns, S. M., & Syzdek, M. (2007). Masculinity and perceived normative health behaviors as predictors of men's health behaviors. Social Science & Medicine, 64(11), 2201-2209.

McGrath, B. B. (1999). Swimming from Island to Island: Healing Practice in Tonga. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 13(4), 483-505.

Nagel, J. (1998). Masculinity and nationalism: gender and sexuality in the making of nations. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 21(2), 242-269. doi: 10.1080/014198798330007

Nguyen Thu Nam, Nguyen To Quyen, & Vu Hong Phong. (2008). Quan niem cua phu nu ve ep buoc tinh duc trong hon nhan. Nghien cuu gia dinh va gioi, 5, 13-23.

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Thompson, E., Pleck, J., & Ferrera, D. (1992). Men and masculinities: Scales for masculinity ideology and masculinity-related constructs. Sex Roles, 27(11), 573-607. doi: 10.1007/bf02651094

White, S. D. (1997). Fame and Sacrifice the Gendered Construction of Naxi Identities. Modern China, 23(3), 298-327.

Ethnicity in Vietnam reading list

Baulch, B., Haughton, D., & Haughton, J. (2002). Ethnic minority development in Vietnam: a socioeconomic perspective. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2836.

Baulch, B., Nguyen Thi Minh Hoa, Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong, & Hung, P. T. (2009). Ethnic minority poverty in Vietnam. Hanoi: World Bank.

Blum, S. (2001). Portraits of "primitives": ordering human kinds in the Chinese nation. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Bromley, J., & Kozlov, V. (1989). The Theory of Ethnos and Ethnic Processes in Soviet Social Sciences. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 31(3), 425-438.

Bui Thi Minh Hang, & Schreinemachers, P. (2011). Resettling Farm Households in Northwestern Vietnam: Livelihood Change and Adaptation. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 27(4), 769-785. doi: 10.1080/07900627.2011.593116

Clement, F., & Amezaga, J. M. (2008). Linking reforestation policies with land use change in northern Vietnam: Why local factors matter. Geoforum, 39(1), 265-277.

Culas, C., & Micraud, J. (1997). A Contribution to the Study of Hmong (Miao) Migrations and History. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 153(2), 211-243.

Dam Quang Trung. (1991). Bao cao: Mot so tinh hinh ve dan toc va mien nui sau thang dau nam 1991 va ket qua buoc dau thuc hien nghi quyet 22 cua Bo chinh tri va cac nghi quyet cua quoc hoi ve dan toc va mien nui. Hanoi: Quoc hoi nuoc Cong Hoa Xa hoi Chu Nghia Viet Nam.

Dang Nghiem Van. (1993). The Flood Myth and the Origin of Ethnic Groups in Southeast Asia. The Journal of American Folklore, 106(421), 304-337.

Epprecht, M., Müller, D., & Minot, N. (2011). How remote are Vietnam’s ethnic minorities? An analysis of spatial patterns of poverty and inequality. The Annals of Regional Science, 46(2), 349-368.

Evans, G. (1992). Internal Colonialism in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 7(2), 274-304.

Fischer, I., & Salehin, M. M. (2009). Health and Poverty as Challenges for Human Security: Two Case Studies on Northern Vietnam and Bangladesh

Facing Global Environmental Change. In H. G. Brauch, Ú. O. Spring, J. Grin, C. Mesjasz, P. Kameri-Mbote, N. C. Behera, B. Chourou & H. Krummenacher (Eds.), (Vol. 4, pp. 563-572): Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Forsyth, T., & Michaud, J. (2010). Rethinking the relationships between livelihoods and ethnicity in highland China, Vietnam and Laos. In J. Michaud & T. Forsyth (Eds.), Moving mountains: ethnicity and livelihoods in highland China, Vietnam, and Laos (pp. 1-27). Toronto: University of Bristish Columbia Press.

Friederichsen, R., & Neef, A. (2010). Variations of late socialist development: integration and marginalization in the northern uplands of Vietnam and Laos. European Journal of Development Research, 22(4), 564-581.

Hardy, A. (2000). The road to Bờ Rạ: Travel, settlement and contact on a Vietnamese upland frontier. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31(2), 295-320.

Hardy, A., & Turner, S. (2000). Editorial: Migration, Markets and Social Change in the Highlands of Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 41(1), 1-6. doi: 10.1111/1467-8373.00102

Hiên, N. X., Liên, T. T. G., & Luong, H. (2004). Rice in the Life of the Vietnamese Tháy and Their Folk Literature. Anthropos, 99(1), 111-141.

Human Rights Watch. (2002). Repression of Montagnards: Conflicts over Land and Religion in Vietnam's Central Highlands. New York.

Imai, K. S., Gaiha, R., & Kang, W. (2011). Poverty, inequality and ethnic minorities in Vietnam. International Review of Applied Economics, 25(3), 249-282. doi: 10.1080/02692171.2010.483471

Jackson, L. R. (1969). The Vietnamese Revolution and the Montagnards. Asian Survey, 9(5), 313-330.

Jamieson, N. L., Cuc, L. T., & Rambo, A. T. (1998). The development crisis in Vietnam's mountains. Hololulu: East West Center Special Report No.6.

Kahin, G. (1972). Minorities in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Asian Survey, 12(7), 580-586.

Keyes, C. (2002). Presidential Address: "The Peoples of Asia"-Science and Politics in the Classification of Ethnic Groups in Thailand, China, and Vietnam. The Journal of Asian Studies, 61(4), 1163-1203.

Kolodko, G. W. (2002). Repression of Montagnards : conflicts over land and religion in Vietnam's central highlands / Human Rights Watch

From shock to therapy : the political economy of postsocialist transformation / Grzegorz W. Kolodko. New York :

Oxford :: Human Rights Watch

Oxford University Press.

McElwee, P. (1999). Policies of prejudice: ethnicity and shifting cultivation in Vietnam. Watershed, 5, 30-38.

McLeod, M. (1999). Indigenous Peoples and the Vietnamese Revolution, 1930-1975. Journal of World History, 10, 353-389.

Mellac, M. (2010). Land reform and changing identities in two Tai-speaking districts in northern Vietnam. In J. Michaud & T. Forsyth (Eds.), Moving mountains: ethnicity and livelihoods in highland China, Vietnam, and Laos (pp. 146-172). Toronto: University of Bristish Columbia Press.

Michaud, J. (2000). The Montagnards and the State in Northern Vietnam from 1802 to 1975: A Historical Overview. Ethnohistory, 47, 333-368.

Michaud, J. (2004). French missionary expansion in colonial upper Tonkin. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 35(2), 287-310.

Michaud, J., & Forsyth, T. (2010). Moving mountains, ethnicity and livelihoods in highland China, Vietnam, and Laos. Toronto: University of British Columbia Press.

Morrock, R. (1973). Heritage of Strife: The Effects of Colonialist "Divide and Rule" Strategy upon the Colonized Peoples. Science & Society, 37(2), 129-151.

Nate-Chei, A. (2011). Beyond commodification and politicisation: production and consumption practices of anthenticity in the White Tai tourist market in the uplands of Vietnam. ASEAS- Austrian journal of Southeast Asian studies, 4(1), 30-50.

Neef, A. (2006). Land tenure and water rights in Thailand and Vietnam: challenges for ethnic minorities in mountainous forest regions. Geographica helvetica, 61(4), 255-265.

Ngo Vinh Long. (1997). Ethnic pluralism, multiculturalism, and development in Vietnam. New Political Science, 19(1-2), 139-152.

Nguyen Van Chinh. (2008). From Swidden Cultivation to Fixed Farming and Settlement: Effects of Sedentarization Policies among the Kmhmu in Vietnam. Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 3(3), 44.

Nguyen Viet Cuong. (2012). Ethnic minorities in northern mountains of Vietnam: poverty, income and assets (Vol. MPRA Paper No. 40769). Munich: Munich Personal RePEc Archive.

Pelley, P. (1998). "Barbarians" and "Younger Brothers": The Remaking of Race in Postcolonial Vietnam. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 29(2), 374-391.

Peters, J. (2001). Transforming the ``model'' approach to upland rural development in Vietnam. Agriculture and Human Values, 18(4), 403-412.

Phan, J. (2012). Mường is not a subgroup: Phonological evidence for a paraphyletic taxon in the Viet-Muong sub-family. Mon-Khmer studies, 40, 1-18.

Pincus, J., & Sender, J. (2008). Quantifying Poverty in Viet Nam: Who Counts? Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 3(1), 108-150.

Proschan, F. (1997). "We Are All Kmhmu, Just the Same": Ethnonyms, Ethnic Identities, and Ethnic Groups. American Ethnologist, 24(1), 91-113.

Proschan, F. (2001). Peoples of the Gourd: Imagined Ethnicities in Highland Southeast Asia. The Journal of Asian Studies, 60(4), 999-1032.

Rambo, A. (2003). Vietnam. In C. Mackerras (Ed.), Ethnicity in Asia (pp. 108-135). London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon.

Rambo, A. T. (2009). Are the Farmers Always Right? (Vol. 88). Honolulu: East West Center.

Rambo, T., & Tran Duc Vien. (2001). Social organisation and the management of natural resources: a case study of Tat hamlet, a Da Bac Tay ethnic minority settlement in Vietnam's northwestern mountains. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 39(3), 299-324.

Shabad, T. (1958). Economic developments in North Vietnam. Pacific Affairs, 31(1), 36-53.

Sikor, T. (2001). Agrarian Differentiation in Post–Socialist Societies: Evidence from Three Upland Villages in North–Western Vietnam. Development and Change, 32(5), 923-949. doi: 10.1111/1467-7660.00232

Sikor, T. (2004). Conflicting Concepts: Contested Land Relations in North-western Vietnam. Conservation & Society, 2(1), 75-95.

Sikor, T., & Dao Minh Truong. (2002). Agricultural Policy and Land Use Changes in a Black Thai Commune of Northern Vietnam, 1952–1997. Mountain Research and Development, 22(3), 248-255. doi: 10.1659/0276-4741(2002)022[0248:apaluc];2

Sowerwine, J. (2004). Territorialisation and the politics of highland landscapes in Vietnam: negotiating property relations in policy, meaning and practice. Conservation & Society, 2, 97-136.

Tan, S. B. H., & Walker, A. (2008). Beyond Hills and Plains: Rethinking Ethnic Relations in Vietnam and Thailand. Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 3(3), 117-157.

Taylor, N., & Jonsson, H. (2002). Other attractions in Vietnam. Asian Ethnicity, 3(2), 233-248.

Taylor, P. (2008). Minorities at Large: New Approaches to Minority Ethnicity in Vietnam. Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 3(3), 3-43.

TEW. (2006). Báo cáo chuyến khảo sát tình hình sản xuất và thị trường rượu ngô Bắc Hà - Simacai. Hà Nội: Trung tâm Nghiên cứu và Phát triển Năng lực Phụ nữ Dân tộc.

Thompson, L. (1976). Proto-Viet-Muong Phonology. Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications, 13(Austroasiatic Studies Part II), 1113-1203.

Tong, C. K. (2010). Identity and ethnic relations in Southeast Asia: racializing Chineseness. Dordrecht: Springer.

Trang, T. T. T. (2010). Social differentiation revisited: A study of rural changes and peasant strategies in Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51(1), 17-35.

Tugault-Lafleur, C., & Turner, S. (2010). Of rice and spice: Hmong livelihoods and diversification in northern Vietnam uplands. In J. Michaud & T. Forsyth (Eds.), Moving mountains: ethnicity and livelihoods in highland China, Vietnam, and Laos (pp. 100-122). Toronto: University of Bristish Columbia Press.

Vu Thu Tung, & Ngo Van Quang. (2010). Danh gia thuc trang truyen thong giao duc dinh duong va khuyen nghi cac giai phap truyen thong cho nguoi H're tai xa Son Ky va Son Thanh, huyen Son Ha, tinh Quang Ngai. Plan International Vietnam. Hanoi.

Vuong Xuan Tinh, Tran Hong Hanh, & Loan, N. T. Q. (2010). Phat trien ben vung van hoa toc nguoi (qua nghien cuu mot lang nguoi Dao o tinh Lang Son va mot lang nguoi San Diu tai tinh Thai Nguyen) Retrieved October, 11, 2012, from

Walle, D., & Cratty, D. (2004). Is the emerging non-farm market economy the route out of poverty in Vietnam? Economics of Transition, 12(2), 237-274. doi: 10.1111/j.0967-0750.2004.00178.x

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Wezel, A., Luibrand, A., & Thanh, L. Q. (2002). Temporal changes of resource use, soil fertility and economic situation in upland Northwest Vietnam. Land Degradation & Development, 13(1), 33-44. doi: 10.1002/ldr.481

Wezel, A., Steinmüller, N., & Friederichsen, J. R. (2002). Slope position effects on soil fertility and crop productivity and implications for soil conservation in upland northwest Vietnam. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 91(1-3), 113-126. doi: 10.1016/s0167-8809(01)00242-0

Wilson, R. (1966). A comparision of Mường with some Mon-Khmer languages. In N. Zide (Ed.), Studies in comparative Austroasiatic linguistics (pp. 203-213). London: Monton & Co.

Wirth, T., Thu, D. C., & Neaf, A. (2006). Traditional land tenure among the Black Thai and its implication on the land allocation in Yen Chau district, Son La province, Northwest Vietnam. In G. Gerold, M. Fremerey & E. Guhardja (Eds.), Land use, nature conservation, and the stability of rainforest margins in Southeast Asia (pp. 119-134). Berlin & New York: Spinger.

World Health Organisation. (2003). Health and ethnic minorities in Vietnam Techical Series No.1 (pp. 60): World Health Organisation.

WRITENET. (2002). Vietnam: Indigenous minority groups in the central highlands Retrieved 1 March, 2011, from

Zhou, W. (2010). From forests to hamlets: productions of space, power, and desire at Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam. Columbia East Asia Review, 3(Spring), 66-76.

Zingerli, C., Castella, J.-C., Pham, H. M., & Pham, V. C. (2002). Contesting policies, rural development versus biodiversity conservation in the Ba Be National Park area, Vietnam. In J.-C. Castella & Dang Dinh Quang (Eds.), Doi Moi in the mountains: land use changes and farmers' livelihood strategies in Bac Kan province. (pp. 249-276). Hanoi: Agricultural Publishing House.

Ethnic boundary (making) reading list

Anthias, F., & Yuval-Davis, N. (1992). Racialized boundaries: race, nation, gender, colour and class and the anti-racist struggle. London: Routelegde.

Brubacker, R. (2004). Ethnicity withouth groups. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Eriksen, T. H. (1993). Ethnicity and nationalism: anthropological perspective. London: Pluto Press.

Eriksen, T. H. (2001). Ethnic identity, national identity and intergroup conflict: the significant of personal experiences. In R. D. Ashmore, L. Jussim & D. Wilder (Eds.), Social identity, intergroup conflict, and conflict reduction (Vol. 3). Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.

Gregory, J. R. (1976). The Modification of an Interethnic Boundary in Belize. American Ethnologist, 3(4), 683-708.

Hastings, D. (1969). Japanese Emigration and Assimilation in Brazil. International Migration Review, 3(2), 32-53.

Malesevic, S. (2004). The sociology of ethnicity. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Manson, D. (2000). Race and Ethnicity in modern Britain (2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Smart, J. (2004). Globalization and Modernity—A Case Study of Cognac Consumption in Hong Kong. Anthropologica, 46(2), 219-229.

Sunderland, W. (1996). Russians into Iakuts? "Going Native" and Problems of Russian National Identity in the Siberian North, 1870s-1914. Slavic Review, 55(4), 806-825.

Thompson, S. I. (1974). Survival of Ethnicity in the Japanese Community of Lima, Peru. Urban Anthropology, 3(2), 243-261.

Widener, D. (2008). Another City Is Possible: Interethnic Organizing in Contemporary Los Angeles. Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts, 1(2), 189-219.

Cultured families, happy families reading list

‘Cultured families’, ‘happy families’

(Bélanger, 2002; Cox, 2010; Drummond, 2000; Kwiatkowski, 2011)

Bélanger, D. (2002). Son Preference in a Rural Village in North Vietnam. Studies in Family Planning, 33(4), 321-334.

Cox, P. (2010). Juvenile Justice Reform and Policy Convergence in the New Vietnam. Youth Justice, 10(3), 227-244.

Drummond, L. B. W. (2000). Street Scenes: Practices of Public and Private Space in Urban Vietnam. Urban Studies, 37(12), 2377-2391. doi: 10.1080/00420980020002850

Kwiatkowski, L. (2011). Domestic violence and the 'happy family' in northern Vietnam. Anthropology Now, 3(3), 20-28.

De-collectivisation in Vietnam reading list


Vietnam de-collectivisation suggested reading list:

(Hoang Xuan Thanh et al., 2005; Kerkvliet, 1995; Kerkvliet & Selden, 1998; Koninck, 1999; Niimi et al., 2003; Raymond, 2008; Scott, 2000; Woodside, 1970)

Hoang Xuan Thanh, Dang Nguyen Anh, & Tacoli, C. (2005). Rural-urban linkages in Vietnam's Red River Delta (Vol. FCND Discussion Paper 193): International Food Policy Research Institute.

Kerkvliet, B. J. T. (1995). Village-State Relations in Vietnam: The Effect of Everyday Politics on Decollectivization. The Journal of Asian Studies, 54(2), 396-418.

Kerkvliet, B. J. T., & Selden, M. (1998). Agrarian Transformations in China and Vietnam. The China Journal(40), 37-58.

Koninck, R. D. (1999). Deforestation in Vietnam. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.

Niimi, Y., Vasudeva-Dutta, P., & Winters, A. (2003). Trade liberalization and poverty dynamics in Vietnam (Vol. Working paper No. 17). Falmer: Poverty Research Unit at Sussex, University of Sussex.

Raymond, C. (2008). "No Responsibility and No Rice": The Rise and Fall of Agricultural Collectivization in Vietnam. Agricultural History, 82(1), 43-61.

Scott, S. (2000). Changing rules of the game: local responses to decollectivisation in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 41(1), 69.

Woodside, A. (1970). Decolonization and Agricultural Reform in Northern Vietnam. Asian Survey, 10(8), 705-723.


Sexual scripts–William Simon and John Gagnon 1984


A good article on sexual behaviour, social learning, socialization of sexual behaviour.

Look for Culture, Health, and Sexuality, second edition









Complete System Tuneup

This took is even stronger than CCleaner – a tool that is also worth trying.

Good researchers know how to take care of their computers!

Buying beer in the ‘economy of shortage’


Buying beer in the ‘economy of shortage’: Message on the top left: 3 pennies per cup (Taken in 1980s, Hanoi, Vietnam)


Shelling beer, when the state had allowed (late 1980s, Hanoi, Vietnam)


Drinking beer and camaraderie, Hanoi, Vietnam, late 1980s, early 1990s


‘Pavement beer’ bia vỉa hè attracts both Vietnamese and foreigners


Beer promotion poster in a Hanoi’s bar: ‘Ethnic minority’ ’s (wild) masculinity and beer drinking (resembling minority men in Central Highland, Vietnam).

This reflects nothing more than a prejudice that minority men can drink a large amount of alcohol.

Beer poster - Hanoi Vietnam Bar 'Red Beer' poster

Opium smokers in Colonial Vietnam

Ca. 1910 - col-8057

COCHINCHINE  Sagon - Fumeurs dopium. Coolies chinois fumant lun lopium_ lautre le kediou_ pipe  eau_O

Eroticisation16Opium Smoker Postcard Tonkin Vietnam 1908


Opium smoker_O2

Opium smoking


New structure

0. Abstract

00. Table of content

00. Table of figures, tables, maps

1. Introduction: make clear the point – the primary focus. What is the BIG question, why it matters?

2. Alcohol in context

3. Global literature

4. Ways to do it

5. Everyday life

6. Content 1: techniques of what

7. Content 2: networks of what

8. Conclusion:



Getting practical

1) Think about the examiners – what would make it easier for them to understand you?

2) Think about the structure – what would make it complete set?

3) Think about the time – how many days ?

4) Think about the future – what to do next?

5) Think about …..

Eroticizing others: Nude Annamite

This is how the French colonizers sexualized Vietnamese women.





Representing others: major trends

1 – Dramatization
Cho ruou vung cao 6
Cho ruou vung cao Vietbao 29-11-2005
2 – Eroticization
3 – Mythicization