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Habitus, field, and Bourdieu

Habitus = ??????????

· a system of lasting, transposable dispositions which, integrating past experiences, functions at every moments as matrix of perceptions, appreciations, and actions (Bourdieu, 1977: 83)

· a practical sense for what is to be done in a given situation – what is called in sport a ‘feel’ for the game (Bourdieu, 1998: 25)

· (Embodiment): The body is ‘a mnemonic device upon and in which the very basics of culture …are imprinted and encoded’ in a socialization process which starts in childhood’ (Jenkins, 1992: 75)

· (Embodiment): Habitus incorporates ‘distinct and distinctive practices’ that differ by class, and differentiate between classes – what is eaten, what sports are practiced, what political views are expressed, and the way in which all of these activities are carried out (Bourdieu, 1998: 8)

Field =?????

· A network, or a configuration of objective relations between positions (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992: 97)

· We are predisposed to adopt specific attitudes, values, or behaviours, because of the ways in which we have been conditioned as we have moved across different ‘fields’

· A field is like a network of social relations, positions. It is like a social condition in which we act


Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a theory of practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bourdieu, P. (1998). Practical Reason: On the Theory of Practice. Translated by R. Nice. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press.

Bourdieu, P., & Wacquant, L. (1992). An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Jenkins, R. (1992). Pierre Bourdieu. London: Routledge.