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Big Data

Now everybody is talking about big data. The key idea is that when computers are able to handle an extremely large amount of data, the world as we know today is changing in unusual direction. We are going to be judged by our behavioral tendencies, as predicted by the computers. In other words, the computers know what we are about to do, basing on complex analyses of a massive amount of data, and treat us as if we will definitely do it. In the time of big data, a criminal is called so not because of his/her actual behaviors, but his/her intentions as shown up by information voluntarily or involuntarily let available on social media, governmental records, and other sources. With that said, big data extremely threatens the idea of personal privacy. So why not read more about big data to see what we can do to cope with the bad sides of it. Here is a good start: Big Data - A revolution that will transform how we live, work and think - by Viktor Mayer and Kenneth Cukier, 2013.