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India: $800m to improve rail network

India Eyes $800M Investment Program to Improve Rail Network

(30 January 2008) - India's railway network, already one of the world's largest, is expected to become even larger with the South Asian nation considering an ambitious project that could cost more than $800 million and include the doubling of existing rail tracks along some of the country's busiest transport corridors.

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ADB Assisting India in Developing New Pension System

(30 January 2008) - The Asian Development Bank is assisting in India�s transition to a new pension system that will help secure the financial future of India�s aging population.

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GMS Environment Ministers Seek Added Funds to Combat Climate Change

(30 January 2008) - Environment ministers in the Greater Mekong Subregion this week called on the region's development partners to mobilize additional financial and technical assistance to assist the region in achieving ambitious targets for improved environmental and natural resource management.

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