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235 out of every 100,000 Vietnamese were infected with TB in 2007

VIETNAM NEWS BRIEFS, January 18, 2008 Vietnam authorities have reported an additional 95,000 TB patients a year, and ranks 13th among 22 countries with the largest number of tuberculosis patients since 2000, said Dinh Ngoc Si, director of the National Hospital of TB and Lung Diseases. Si said up to 235 out of every 100,000 people were infected with TB last year. New TB cases accounted for 175 in every 100,000 and the death rate was 23 for every 100,000 people Multi drug-resistant TB cases increased from 2.3% in 1996-1997 period to 2.7% in 2005-2006 period, which is a difficulty for the country in the fight against TB as one person with Multi drug-resistant TB can transmit the disease to 10-15 other people. Si emphasized that TB rates were still high among the young, particularly males aged between 15 and 24 years old.

He also noted that multi-drug-resistant TB treatments, HIV/AIDS combined TB treatments and problems of treatment among minorities remained the greatest obstacles for Vietnam's TB prevention. However, despite difficulties, the National Program on TB Prevention had helped over 90% of TB patients recover from the disease in 2007. Over the past 9 years, the country has constantly obtained the World Health Organization (WHO) targets of diagnosing 70% of tuberculosis cases and curing 85% of the patients. Separately, vice head of the National Program on TB Prevention Bui Duc Duong said, the program will start carrying out a project provide treatment for multi drug-resistant TB carriers in Ho Chi Minh City from the second quarter of this year. The Global Fund will grant $6 million for the project to offer free medicines for the patients and build treatment centers. Copyright 2008 Vietnam News Briefs