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A Nvivo Model

I have discussed at some length on how to make a Nvivo model (see here). What exactly does it look like? Here is just an example:

This Nvivo model tells us that there are a number of factors relating to/causing drunkenness among rural men in Vietnam. These factors are contextual factors, embedded in the living conditions of people under the study. Each man mentioned a few factors. All together, they made a web of factors that link to drunkenness. This is a typical use of Nvivo. Note that in this model was created by Nvivo 2.0. The newest versions of this software (Nvivo 9 or 10) allows us to obtain this model just by a few clicks. It also provides a statistic, which is a correlation between one factor an another (see example at the end).

Now, the task is to:

1) Explain the model: How does a factor link to others? Which factor seems to be at the 'central' of all factors? What is the direction of the relationship (one-way or two-way arrow)? What you are doing here is to show 'the findings' of your study.

2) Discuss the model:
a) (Re) Considering available theories that explain drunkenness: does the model 'follow' any theory or 'way' of analysis? What does it add to the current scholarly understanding of drunkenness?
b) Considering available efforts to reduce alcohol consumption (that is the 'applied' aspects of your findings/or the 'so what' of your study): Does the model suggest anything that help the heavy drinkers reduce alcohol consumption?
c) Considering limitations of the study: Are there anything that should be in the model but they are not? Are there any 'cautions' for people reading this study? Can you do it better?
d) Considering the 'secrets' of your study (and don't tell anybody about them): After all, what made you do this research? Deep down inside, are you really satisfied with it? Are there anything that, without it, you would not be able to produce part of the findings? These questions are important for your intellectual development. The questions from a) to c) are for the readers your study.
Finally this is an Nvivo model created by Nvivo 9. It gives 'correlations' between factors: